As a timely Christmas present, our research on intense binge-feeding by bull trout on juvenile migrating sockeye salmon at Chilko Lake, BC (recently published in the Journal of Fish Biology) was summarized at FishSens magazine. I really enjoyed speaking with the article's writer, Jeff Gillies, and am really pleased with the article as I think it articulates our research's broader story and implications. Check out the article here! Please distribute to your colleagues and/or social media accounts as you see fit.
If you are interested in the peer-reviewed paper on this work click here, or shoot me an email for a reprint!
Our research on the relationship between bull trout and outmigrant juvenile sockeye salmon "smolts" is continuing with the use of further stomach content collection, collaborations with those who have studied bull trout feeding in a lab setting, and by using acoustic telemetry to track movements of both bull trout and smolts. I never thought I was going to research predator-prey interactions, but once I was in the field (to just study sockeye smolts) and witnessed the dynamics between these two species first-hand, it was simply too cool to ignore! See my research page for more info on this research theme.

(juvenile sockeye salmon "smolts" collected from a single bull trout's stomach)