Sam Comeau and Matt Scott present their research at UNH's Undergraduate Research Conference!
"A Fish Story" - PREP State of our Estuaries report and conference
Dr. Furey presents FME Lab research to elementary and middle schoolers!
The Cod and the Tern: predators, biodiversity, and the impact of climate change to marine ecosystems
NSF grant to fund UNH and UMaine research on Arctic charr response to climate change
Green Crab Tracking Backpacks: understanding space use of an invasive crab species in an estuary
Student spotlight: Matt Scott investigates factors impacting brook trout feeding and growth
How does invasive knotweed impact native brook trout?
PhD assistantship in fish ecology (Atlantic cod) and marine biodiversity
End of Academic Year 2021-2022!
Rainbow smelt - the forgotten migratory fish?
Arctic char migrations - infographic and publication!
Aliya Caldwell awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
(NO LONGER ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS) Lab looking for MS student for NMFS-funded work
(NO LONGER LOOKING FOR APPLICATIONS) Lab looking for PhD student for NSF-funded work
Lab receives NSF funding to study fishes in the warming Gulf of Maine
Lab receives funding for green crab research from NMFS
Available online - recent presentations by graduate students Lars Hammer and Nate Hermann
Lars Hammer presenting at UNH SMSOE Grad Symposium May 14th!
Lab receives funding from NH Sea Grant to study Rainbow smelt movements, seabird-fish interactions